D65 Multisource Overhead Luminaires

All D65 Overhead Luminaires Multisource are equipped with
D65 ColorMatcher lamps.
GTI´s multisource overhead luminaires are the perfect solution if you need to install a standard conform viewing area for large samples. Several light sources makes the GLE-M luminaires to an ideal, important tool for visual color evaluation, color matching and discovering of metamerism. GLE-M units are a cost effective solution for all fields where large color viewing stations won´t be convenient. The GLE-M color viewing lamps utilize innovative, clear and uv-permeable prismatic lenses for an optimal light distribution. Available with 3, 4 or 5 light sources.
All lamps will be supplied with power cord, ColorGuard II (light monitoring for all light sources), a front mounted switch board which includes a sequence button to program an individual changing sequence of light sources.
Productvideo GLE-M (engl.)
Source: Youtube
GLE-M Series

ColorGuard II
…controlls all light sources

Features overview:
- GLE-M – Multisource color viewing lamps with 3, 4 or 5 light sources.
- Daylight D65 – store light TL84 – homelight (incandescent A)
optional light source CWF/TL83 – UV-light. - All light sources can be changed as required.
- Evenly light distribution by non-aging diffuser
- Instand-On technology for fast changing of light source without dark breakes.
- Sequence application to run a pre-selected sequence of light sources.
- ColorGuard II displays warm up time, operating lamp time and remaining lamp life.
- Low maintenance costs by simple „do-it-your-self“ relamping
- Can be integrate in suspended ceiling
- Optional available:
– wireless remote control
3 light sources
(D65, TL84, incandescent A)
Working surface 110 x 80 cm

4 light sources
(D65, TL84, incand. A, UV)
Working surface 110 x 80 cm

5 light sources
(D65, TL84, incandescent A, TL83, UV)
Working surface 60 x 40 cm

5 light sources
(D65, TL84, incandescent A, TL83, UV)
Working area 110 x 80 cm

5 light sources
(D65, TL84, incandescent A, TL83, UV)
Working surface 150 x 80 cm